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Stakeholder engagement: Section 172 Companies Act 2006

Directors act in a way that they consider would most likely promote the success of the company for the benefit of its stakeholders as a whole.

When making key decisions Nando’s considers each of the following stakeholders:

- Act fairly between all members of the company.

- Maintaining a reputation for high standards and long-term consequences of decisions.

- Have our employees' (Nandocas') best interests at heart.

- Foster good relationships with suppliers, customers and our communities and care for the environment in which we operate.

Act Fairly

Nando's is committed to acting fairly between all stakeholders of the company and being transparent in its activities

The desirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct and the likely long term consequences of decisions

Directors are presented at Board meetings with information on all key decisions and are briefed on potential impacts and risks for key stakeholders.  Directors consider these factors before making a final decision which together they believe is in the best interest of the company.  Examples are given in the Strategic Report within Operational highlights: Brand Strength, International expansion and Operational excellence.

Nandocas first

We believe Nandocas are our greatest asset and are key to the company’s development.  We therefore work hard to attract and develop the best people we can.

Our values of Pride, Passion, Courage, Integrity and Family underpin everything we do – from the way in which we recruit and train – to the way in which we develop and reward.

Further examples are given in the Strategic Report, values and engagement.

The relationship with suppliers, customers and others

We work closely with our stakeholders and details are given in the strategic report within the values and engagement section and the ESG highlights.

The impacts on communities and the environment

Nando's had always places importance of trying to change lives for the better, for our teams, customers, supply chains and local communities. Our approach is twofold: we strive to improve our environmental sustainability to help fight climate change, alongside improving the welfare of our chickens to build on our long legacy of working towards a healthier, happier and more environmentally sustainable planet. The details for this are given in the strategic report within the values and engagement section.